CFH Racing

Beach holidays are, without a doubt, the most eagerly awaited time for young and old in every family! Finally, after a whole year of homework, work and bad weather, you can enjoy the sea, the sun and lots of games in the company of friends and entertainers… What can go wrong? Simple: running at breakneck speed, accompanied by the cool evening breeze; that sudden rash because you forgot to put on sun cream; a sunstroke, with the consequent rise in temperature; a thousand anxieties and the pediatrician you trust doesn't answer, because she's on holiday… A real nightmare that can ruin a much-needed holiday... The solution?
Easy answer: we at Club Family Hotels have a professional at your disposal from Monday to Friday who will advise you and take care of your children's health, all free of charge directly in the hotel. WOW!!!
Go to Reception to book your visit and continue to enjoy the holiday of your dreams 😉